Contractor Management / Selection
Course Outline
One Day Project Managers / Client Course relating to Contractor Management incorporating the principles of Construction Design and Management Regulations and how they are relevant to Building Managers and client Role in Particular. Suitable selection of competent contractors is a primary requirement for Clients under CDM and also an essential part of fulfilling the role of Estates Management. The course is designed to initially establish a good understanding of their role within CDM, then specifically focuses on the competent selection of contractors to ensure:-
• Quality of Information transfer
• Stability of contractors
• Health and Safety performance of contractors
• Third Party Verification agencies such as CHAS, Construction line etc.
• Highlighting the underlying signals (not just reading the tick boxes )
CDM Covers a wide range of trades and disciplines within the Construction Industry and is specifically designed to –
• Improve Health and Safety on Construction Sites
• Improve the Interface between Client, Contractors, Architects, and Designers.
• Improve the efficiency of project co ordination
• Standardise the Process of Construction and Refurbishment work
Outline of Course
• Outline the Legal Requirements for CDM
• Outline varying roles within CDM Regulations and Responsibilities.
• Expand in more detail on the Client Roles and responsibilities to the project team.
• Contractor Verification Documentation
• Contractor reference information
• Pre Verification Agencies
• Getting it right and getting it wrong
• Exercise for each delegate on verification procedures.
Costs – 750.00 per day (fully inclusive) + VAT
Group size – 12-15 delegates. All delegates will receive course materials and certification on completion of the course.
All consultants hold professional membership of the chartered Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).