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Unit NGC1: Management of Health and Safety 

Element 1: Foundations in Health and Safety 
Element 2: Health and Safety Management Systems – Plan 
Element 3: Health and Safety Management Systems – Do 
Element 4: Health and Safety Management Systems – Check 
Element 5: Health and Safety Management Systems – Act 


Unit GC2: Controlling Workplace Hazards 

Element 1: Workplace Hazards and Risk Control 
Element 2: Transport Hazards and Risk Control 
Element 3: Musculoskeletal Hazards and Risk Control 
Element 4: Work Equipment Hazards and Risk Control 
Element 5: Electrical Safety 
Element 6: Fire Safety 
Element 7: Chemical and Biological Health Hazards and Risk Control 
Element 8: Physical and Psychological Health Hazards and Risk Control 

Unit GC3: Health and Safety Practical Application 

This can be taken in one block or two separate five day blocks. Approximately 130 hours of study is necessary, including private study and background reading. 
On successful completion of the course delegates meet the academic requirements for Technician Membership to IOSH and Associate Membership of the IIRSM. 
Cost: £1,395.00 + VAT per person if attending one of our Open Programmes. POA for an on-site programme. 
For further information on our courses and pricing structure, please call one of our training advisors on 01539437436 or use our enquiry form
To make and booking and payment online please click here 

Get in touch with us 

We work with a large number of companies and recognise that organisations have very different training needs. We are committed to providing a memorable and measurable training experience. We appreciate the pressures faced by businesses. Our specialist training teams deliver specific solutions to reflect the industry within which you and your firm operates.