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It has been developed to guide you through the regulatory requirements and practical implementation of the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015. It replaces our APS Accredited “Management of CDM Co-ordination” Course and provides an amendment to the RIBA Assessed training course material. 
The course has been designed to advise Clients, Principal Designers, Designers, Principal Contractors and Contractors on how they can ensure compliance with CDM 2015. It focuses on the duty holder roles for application of the regulations to construction projects in the Pre-Construction Phase. It is also aimed at CDM Advisors, Project Managers, Facilities Managers and any other construction professionals that have a duty to comply with CDM 2015. 
The course covers the implications for all duty holders to discharge their duties and includes the historical background for changes. It considers the expectations of the HSE in what they hope to achieve and provides detailed analysis for applying CDM 2015 following the HSE’s accompanying L-Series Guidance and the associated HSE-CITB industry guidance documents. You will have an insight into the intentions and implications of CDM 2015 for duty holders in the Pre-Construction Phase and the detailed requirements for discharging health and safety co-ordination duties. It also includes guidance for existing CDM Co-coordinators on how they can utilise their experience to advise and assist CDM 2015 duty holders. 
“The Management of CDM Co-ordination” will ensure their experience is incorporated into this revised 3 Day Training Course. The content will include: 
Introduction to Construction Health and Safety in General 
CDM 2015 and a Historical Overview 
L Series Guidance and Industry Guidance 
The Structure of CDM 2015, Definitions and Legal Compliance 
Duty Holder Responsibilities 
The Role of the Principal Designer 
Risk Assessment and Design Risk Management 
The CDM Advisor 
Transitional Provisions 
Formal Testing 
“The Management of CDM 2015” 3 Day Course includes training material that will be presented to RIBA for revision assessment and the APS for additional accreditation in line with their CDM 2015 Course Specification. Existing APS Registered Members and new applicants must sit the APS on-line test once available. 
The cost of the 3 day course “The Management of CDM 2015” is £795.00 + VAT per person. 
The cost includes course material, certification. APS Training Material and Certification will be available in due course at additional costs. Note: CDM2015 is still a draft document that may or may not be amended prior to implementation. S. A. Associates Consultants can therefore not be responsible if any amendments result in changes in application in general for CDM or specifically for duty holders. 

Get in touch with us 

We work with a large number of companies and recognise that organisations have very different training needs. We are committed to providing a memorable and measurable training experience. We appreciate the pressures faced by businesses. Our specialist training teams deliver specific solutions to reflect the industry within which you and your firm operates.