The Administration of Medication
The Accredited Administration of Medication course is designed to enable Health and Social Care Staff to develop the skills and knowledge to safely and effectively Administer Medication within their setting. The course is in line with current standards and expectations set in place by the Care Quality Commission to reduce the rate of Medication errors across the Health and Social Care sector.
Course Objectives:
Following Successful completion of the course participants will:
Be able to state their obligations and that of their employer in regards to the documentation of Medication
Have knowledge about the storage of medication
Have knowledge of the different types of medication and how they work
Know about adverse drug reactions
Know the 7 rights and guidelines of administration
Have an understanding about controlled drugs and oxygen
Have an understanding about drug errors
Have an understanding about the disposal of medication
The Administration of Medication course is essentially broken down into five key stages in order to meet the Course objectives, update any existing knowledge, and keep in line with industry specific changes with respect to the law and best practice. These broken down as follows.
Stage One;
Medication Awareness (Legal Aspects)
Be able to state their obligations and that of their employer in regards to the documentation of Medication
Changes in Guidelines
Common Mistakes Case Studies
Risk Assessment
MARR Sheets
Legal Overview, Policies and Procedures
What is Medication?
Guidelines for Best Practice
Stage Two;
The Community team
Receiving Medication
Have knowledge about the storage of medication
Drug Names
Why people take Medication
Community Team and Seeking professional Advice
Adverse Drug Reactions
Risk Assessment
Policies and Procedures
Medication Labels
Medication Review
Medication Receiving and Storage
Dealing with Discrepancies
Stage Three;
Have knowledge of the different types of medication and how they work
Know about adverse drug reactions
How Medication work?
Forms of Medication
Medication Errors
Reasons Errors Occur
Policies and Procedures
Legal Overview
Common side effects
Stage Four;
Guidelines for administering medications
Know the 7 rights and guidelines of administration
Have an understanding about controlled drugs and oxygen
British National Formulary
Policies and Procedures
Legal Overview
MAR sheets
Infection Control
Seven Rights of Administration
Consent and common Difficulties e.g. refusal to take
Risk Assessment
Errors, Mistakes and Discrepancies
Controlled Medications
Stage Five;
Have an understanding about drug errors
Have an understanding about the disposal of medication
Drug Errors
Legal Overview
Risk Assessment
Policies and Procedures
Reporting and Recording
Disposal of Medication
Waste Management
Please note; although some subjects are repeated through the stages this is to address topic specific issues, best practice, legal specifics, and to help address any concerns participants may have.
Call us on 01539 437436 to enquire if we can facilitate the first aid training course you need, or alternatively use our online contact form.